- Nishikawa, H., E. Oka, S. Sugimoto, F. Kobashi, M. Ishii, N. R. Bates,
2025: Impact of Eighteen Degree Water thickness variation on the thermal
and biogeochemical structure in the euphotic layer. J. Oceanogr., in press.
- Sugimoto, S., A. Kojima, T. Sakamoto, Y. Kawakami, and H. Nakano, 2025:
Influence of extreme northward meandered Kuroshio Extension during 2023–2024
on ocean–atmosphere conditions in the Sanriku offshore region, Japan. J.
Oceanogr., in press.
- Sugimoto, S., 2025: Marine heatwave off Tokai, Japan, attributed to the
Kuroshio Large Meander Path, and an associated increase in summer rainfall
over Japan. J. Oceanogr., 81, 63–79.
- Nishihira, G., and S. Sugimoto, 2024: Record breaking marine heatwave over
the central North Pacific in 2021 summer: its formation associated with
loss of Central Mode Water. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 54, 2361-2372.
- Oka, E., S. Sugimoto, F. Kobashi, H. Nishikawa, S. Kanada, T. Nasuno, R.
Kawamura, and M. Nonaka, 2023: Subtropical Mode Water south of Japan impacts
typhoon intensity. Science Advances, 9 (37), eadi2793.
- Nishikawa, H., E. Oka, and S. Sugimoto, 2023: Subtropical Mode Water in
a recent persisting Kuroshio large-meander period: Part II ― formation
and temporal evolution in the Kuroshio recirculation gyre off Shikoku.
J. Oceanogr., 79, 461-471.
- Kawakami, Y., H. Nakano, S. Urakawa, T. Toyoda, K. Sakamoto, G. Yamanaka,
and S. Sugimoto, 2023: Cold- versus warm-season-forced variability of the
Kuroshio and North Pacific subtropical mode water. Sci. Rep., 13, 256.
- Sugimoto, S., 2022: Chapter 3. Atmosphere: Kuroshio Extension and its impact
on overlying atmosphere. In: PICES North Pacific Ecosystem Status Report
[NPESR] No.3: Region 22 "Kuroshio", edited by K. Tadokoro, 3-9.
web link
- Sugimoto, S., and T. Suga, 2022: Chapter 3. Atmosphere: Regime shift in
2014/15. In: PICES North Pacific Ecosystem Status Report [NPESR] No.3:
Region 18 "Oyashio", edited by H. Kuroda, edited by H. Kuroda,
web link
- Nishihira, G., and S. Sugimoto, 2022: Severe cold winters in East Asia
linked to first winter of La Niña events and in North America linked to
second winter. Geophys. Res. Lett., 49, e2021GL095334.
- Sugimoto, S., 2022: Decreasing wintertime mixed-layer depth in the northwestern North Pacific subtropical gyre. Geophys. Res. Lett., 49, e2021GL095091. doi:10.1029/2021GL095091.
- Kawakami, Y., A. Kojima, K. Murakami, T. Nakano, and S. Sugimoto, 2022:
Temporal variations of net Kuroshio transport based on a repeated hydrographic
section along 137°E. Clim. Dyn., 59, 1703-1713.
- 橋濱史典, 纐纈慎也, 近藤能子, 佐々木克徳, 杉本周作, 高橋一生, 長井健容, 西岡純, 林田博士, 平井淳也, 2021: 海洋学の10年展望2021:中緯度,
海の研究, 30 (5), 131-158.
- Oka, E., H. Nishikawa, S. Sugimoto, B. Qiu, and N. Schneider, 2021: Subtropical
Mode Water in a recent persisting Kuroshio large-meander period. Part I:
Formation and advection over the entire distribution region. J. Oceanogr.,
77 (5), 781-795.
- Sugimoto, S., B. Qiu, and N. Schneider, 2021: Local atmospheric response
to the Kuroshio large meander path in summer and its remote influence on
the climate of Japan. J. Climate, 34 (9), 3571-3589.
- Qiu, B., S. Chen, N. Schneider, E. Oka, and S. Sugimoto, 2020: On reset
of the wind-forced decadal Kuroshio Extension variability in late 2017.
J. Climate, 33 (24), 10813-10828.
- Iida, M., S. Sugimoto, and T. Suga, 2020: Severe cold winter in North America linked to Bering Sea ice loss. J. Climate, 33 (18), 8069-8085.
* 米国気象学会紀要 (BAMS: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society) 7月号の
'Papers of Note' で紹介されました。
- Oka, E., S. Kouketsu, D. Yanagimoto, D. Itoh, Y. Kawai, S. Sugimoto, and
B. Qiu, 2020: Formation of Central Mode Water based on two zonal hydrographic
sections in spring 2013 and 2016. J. Oceanogr., 76 (5), 373-386.
- Sugimoto, S., B. Qiu, and A. Kojima, 2020: Marked coastal warming off Tokai
attributable to Kuroshio large meander. J. Oceanogr., 76 (2), 141-154.
- Kawakami, Y., Y. Kitamura, T. Nakano, and S. Sugimoto, 2020: Long-term
thermohaline variations in the North Pacific subtropical gyre from a repeat
hydrographic section along 165E. J. Geophys. Res.: Oceans, 125, e2019JC015382.
- Oka, E., M. Ishii, T. Nakano, T. Suga, S. Kouketsu, M. Miyamoto, H. Nakano, B. Qiu, S. Sugimoto, and Y. Takatani, 2018: Fifty years of the 137E repeat hydrographic section in the western North Pacific Ocean. J. Oceanogr., 74 (2), 115-145.
- Sugimoto, S., K. Aono, and S. Fukui, 2017: Local atmospheric response to
warm mesoscale ocean eddies in the Kuroshio-Oyashio Confluence region.
Scientific Reports, 7, 11871.
- Sugimoto, S., K. Hanawa, T. Watanabe, T. Suga, and S.-P. Xie, 2017: Enhanced
warming of the subtropical mode water in the North Pacific and North Atlantic. Nature Climate Change, 7 (9), 656-658.
- 杉本周作, 2017:
2016年度日本海洋学会岡田賞受賞記念論文「西部北太平洋亜熱帯域における海洋表層変動の解析的研究」, 海の研究, 26, 45-61.
- Kawakami, Y., S. Sugimoto, and T. Suga, 2016: Inter-annual zonal shift
of the formation region of the lighter variety of the North Pacific Central Mode Water. J. Oceanogr., 72 (2), 225-234.
- Kitamura, T., T. Nakano, and S. Sugimoto, 2016: Decadal variations in
mixed layer salinity in the Kuroshio Extension recirculation gyre region: Influence of precipitation during the warm season. J. Oceanogr., 72 (2), 167-175.
- Sugimoto, S., and S.-I. Kako, 2016: Decadal variations in wintertime mixed
layer depth south of the Kuroshio Extension and its influence on winter mixed layer temperature. J. Climate, 29 (3), 1237-1252.
- Ohishi, S., S. Sugimoto, and K. Hanawa, 2015: Zonal movement of the Mascarene
High in austral summer. Clim. Dyn., 45 (7), 1739-1745.
- Kida, S., H. Mitsudera, S. Aoki, X. Guo, S.-I. Ito, F. Kobashi, N. Komori,
A. Kubokawa, T. Miyama, R. Morie, H. Nakamura, T. Nakamura, H. Nakano, H. Nishigaki, M. Nonaka, H. Sasaki, Y. N. Sasaki, T. Suga, S. Sugimoto,
B. Taguchi, K. Takaya, T. Tozuka, H. Tsujino, and N. Usui, 2015: Oceanic fronts and jets around Japan: a review. J. Oceanogr., 71 (5), 469-497.
- Nakano, T., T. Kitamura, S. Sugimoto, T. Suga, and M. Kamachi, 2015: Long-term
variations of North Pacific Tropical Water along the 137°E repeat hydrographic section. J. Oceanogr., 71 (3), 229-238.
- Sugimoto, S., 2014: Influence of SST anomalies on winter turbulent heat
fluxes in the eastern Kuroshio-Oyashio Confluence region. J. Climate, 27 (24), 9349-9358.
- Sugimoto, S., N. Kobayashi, and K. Hanawa, 2014: Quasi-decadal variation
in intensity of the western part of the winter subarctic SST front in the western North Pacific: The influence of Kuroshio Extension path state.
J. Phys. Oceanogr., 44 (10), 2751-2760.
- 谷本陽一, 早坂忠裕, 万田敦昌, 杉本周作, 2014:
2013年度日本海洋学会秋季大会特別セッション「新たな学際的視点としての大気海洋相互作用 -海洋からの影響/海洋への影響-」の開催報告,
天気, 61, 31-33.
- Seo, Y., S. Sugimoto, and K. Hanawa, 2014: Long-term variations of the
Kuroshio Extension path in winter: Meridional movement and path state change. J. Climate, 27 (15), 5929-5940.
- Sugimoto, S., and K. Hanawa, 2014: Influence of Kuroshio path variation
south of Japan on formation of subtropical mode water. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 44 (4), 1065-1077.
- Sugimoto, S., and N. Hirose, 2014: Variations in latent heat flux over
the eastern Japan Sea in December. SOLA, 10, 1-4.
- Sugimoto, S., N. Takahashi, and K. Hanawa, 2013: Marked freshening of North
Pacific subtropical mode water in 2009 and 2010: Influence of freshwater supply in the 2008 warm season. Geophys. Res. Lett., 40 (12), 3102-3105.
- Sugimoto, S., K. Hanawa, T. Yasuda, and G. Yamanaka, 2012: Low-frequency
variations of the Eastern Subtropical Front in the North Pacific in an eddy-resolving ocean general circulation model: Roles of central mode water in the formation
and maintenance. J. Oceanogr., 68 (4), 521-531.
- Sugimoto, S., and K. Hanawa, 2012: Relationship between the path of the
Kuroshio in the south of Japan and the path of the Kuroshio Extension in the east. J. Oceanogr., 68 (1), 219-225.
- Sugimoto, S., and K. Hanawa, 2011: Roles of SST anomalies on the wintertime
turbulent heat fluxes in the Kuroshio-Oyashio Confluence Region: Influences of warm eddies detached from the Kuroshio Extension. J. Climate, 24 (24), 6551-6561.
- Sugimoto, S., and K. Hanawa, 2011: Quasi-decadal modulations of NPIW area
in the cross section along the 137°E meridian: Impact of the Aleutian Low
activity. J. Oceanogr., 67 (4), 519-531.
- Sugimoto, S., K. Hanawa, K. Narikiyo, M. Fujimori, and T. Suga, 2010: Temporal
variations of the net Kuroshio transport and its relation to atmospheric variations. J. Oceanogr., 66 (5), 611-619.
- Sugimoto, S., and K. Hanawa, 2010: The wintertime wind stress curl field in
the North Atlantic and their relation to atmospheric teleconnection patterns. J. Atmos. Sci., 67 (5), 1687-1694.
- Sugimoto, S., and K. Hanawa, 2010: Impact of Aleutian Low activity on the
STMW formation in the Kuroshio recirculation gyre region. Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L03606.
- Sugimoto, S., and K. Hanawa, 2009: Decadal and interdecadal variations
of the Aleutian Low activity and their relation to upper oceanic variations over the North Pacific. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 87 (4), 601-614.
- Sugimoto, S., and K. Hanawa, 2007: Further evidence for non-reemergence
of winter SST anomalies in the North Pacific eastern subtropical mode water
area. J. Oceanogr., 63 (4), 625-635.
- Sugimoto, S., and K. Hanawa, 2007: Impact of remote reemergence of the
subtropical mode water on winter SST variation in the central North Pacific. J. Climate, 20 (2), 173-186.
- Sugimoto, S., and K. Hanawa, 2005: Why does reemergence of winter sea surface
temperature anomalies not occur in eastern mode water areas? Geophys. Res. Lett., 32 (15), L15608.
- Sugimoto, S., and K. Hanawa, 2005: Remote reemergence areas of winter sea surface temperature anomalies in the North Pacific. Geophys. Res. Lett., 32 (1), L01606.
- Hanawa, K., and S. Sugimoto, 2004: 'Reemergence' areas of winter sea surface
temperature anomalies in the world's oceans. Geophys. Res. Lett., 31 (10),
杉本周作 准教授
東北大学 大学院理学研究科
東北大学 青葉山北キャンパス
物理系研究棟 538号室
shusaku.sugimoto.d7 [at] tohoku.ac.jp |